AI8Z CW 래그츄
AI8Z 2024년 12월 10일 교신
아마추어무선은 전세계의 햄들과 대화를 나누는 취미라고 말은 하지만 실제 외국의 햄들과 교신을 하면서 대화다운 대화를 나누는 경우는 그리 많지 않습니다. 대부분 신호리포트/이름/위치/날씨 정도의 정보만 교환하는 교신이 전부입니다.
언어의 벽이 있긴 하지만 이런 틀에 박힌 교신에서 벗어나기 위해서 나름대로 노력을 해 보고 있습니다. 최근에는 전신에서도 영문 래그츄를 하려는 노력을 좀 더 적극적으로 시도하고 있습니다. 하지만 저의 노력과 달리 전신에서 래그츄를 하려는 상대를 만나기가 쉽지 않습니다. 아마 한국과 교신하기 위해서 기다리는 사람이 많다고 생각하여 장시간 교신에 부담을 느끼는 모양입니다.
마침 오늘 아침에 28MHz에서 미국의 햄들이 오랫동안 래그츄를 나누는 신호를 들었습니다. 두 사람 모두 신호가 좋았습니다. 교신이 끝나는 것을 듣고 그 중 한 사람을 호출하여 약 1시간 정도 영문 래그츄를 재미있게 나누었습니다.
비영어권 사람에게 영문 전신은 수신보다 송신이 어렵습니다. 문장을 구성하는 것도 어렵지만, 긴 단어가 나오면 머리 속으로 스펠링을 생각하면서 제대로 송신하기가 쉽지 않습니다. 그래서 평소의 교신속도보다 느리게 약 20wpm의 속도로 교신하고 있습니다.
다시 녹음 파일을 들으면서 아래와 같이 스크립트를 작성하였습니다. 문장을 줄여서 하기 때문에 일부는 문법에 맞지 않는 것도 있습니다. 더구나 저의 송신에는 틀린 문장도 있습니다. 영문 전신의 래그츄는 어떻게 이루어지는지 참고로 보시기 바랍니다. 교신의 뒷 부분 일부가 녹음이 되지 않았지만 기억을 더듬어서 작성하였습니다.
AI8Z de HL5KY k
HL5KY de AI8Z tnx call gm ur rst 559 559 QTH near Cortez, CO <bt> name is Mike <bt> hw cpy? <ar> HL5KY de AI8Z k
r AI8Z de HL5KY gm Mike just turned on amp hi a ur 58N 58N op Joe Joe QTH Busan Busan <bt> just heard u guys QSO es I thought it was gud speed for me hi AI8Z de HL5KY k
HL5KY de AI8Z vy fb Joe and glad u called from Busan <bt> I was in Busan many years ago when sailed in merchant marine <bt> was back in 1976 <bt> I bet ur city has changed since then <bt> <bt> rig is 75w to doublet at 23m high <bt> hw cpy Joe ? <ar> HL5KY de AI8Z k
ok Mike solid cpi <bt> back 76 when I first got my ham ticket hi long time ago <bt> yes a lot changed ak <e e e> any place in Korea hav has changed <bt> I sometimes can not find the place where I was born hi <bt> hr pwr 5ttw 5ttw into 4el 4el yagi up 18 18mh <bt> did you say you run 73w 73w ? <ar> AI8Z de Hl5KY k
HL5KY de AI8Z yes yes 75w 75w here but I can QRO if need to <bt> ur rig doing all the work with 4el yagi and 500w <bt> <bt> condx gud into far east now <bt> <bt> yes a lot changed in my home town also <bt> was there for reunion in august, had to use gps to find my way hi hi <ar> HL5KY de AI8Z k
ok solid cpi even QSG <e e e e> QSB <bt> <bt> yes things change rapidly <bt> wx fine es temp abt 40f 40f <bt> age 64 64 yrs been retired abt 7 yrs got early retirement at 57 yrs <bt> which was es still is vy rare <bt> I mean people work even at old age hr in Korea <bt> It is 0928 0928 in tuesday morning <ar> AI8Z de HL5KY k
HL5KY de AI8Z solid cpy Joe and ur sigs steady s7 s7 now <bt> <bt> fb on age, early retirement <bt> my age is 68 es also retired age 57, same here, earlier than average retirement age <bt> but glad I did and have enjoyed past ten yrs vy much <bt> <bt> now QRO to 1kw <bt> some QSB my sig so put amp online <bt> wx hr 0c / 32f, ptly cloudy and windy today <bt> sun has set here and time is 1733 on monday evening hi <bt> amazing tb conversing with u on opposite of earth Joe <bt> hw? <ar> HL5KY de AI8Z k
r fb fb Mikesig 5db over s9 <bt> vy strong conk <e e e> concerning ur ant hi hi <bt> I thought the condx was poor but heard u guys sig es surprised <bt> I dont hve many chances of the QSO like this because almost get pileup which is fun but I would like to hve real conversation hi eu even thought my Eng morse is not vy gud hi <ar> AI8Z de HL5KY k
HL5KY de AI8Z <bt> Joe, ur English is fine and I am vy happy to have great rag chew instead of 5NN exchange es sk <bt> yes this very rare to hve gud conversation like this <bt> es especially with a ham at QTH where I visited in my youth <bt> it was the adventure of my life to visit places like Busan and Inchon <bt> wish I cud do it agn <bt> have u been to USA and how did u learn to speak English ?? <ar> HL5KY de AI8Z k
ok Mike sig still great <bt> yes been to USA but only Alaska by cruise ship back in 2015 2015 <bt> It was from Vancouver Canada so didnt have a chank chance to step in t main land of USA hi hi <bt> as you probably know, we learn English at school but not many people speak gud Eng <bt> as a ham, had many chane chances to speak Eng on the radio es these days read articles on the internet <bt> on ur QRZ page, I will read after this QSO looks interesting hi <ar> AI8Z de HL5KY k
HL5KY de AI8Z no, I did not know that students there studied English Joe <bt> that must be challenging <bt> <bt> and likewise will look up ur QRZ page <bt> what kind of work did u do Before retirement ? and vy fb the Alaska cruise <bt> my wife and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on an Alaska cruise from Vancouver BC <bt> was beautiful cruise along coast most of the way <bt> back to u HL5KY de AI8Z k
ok Mike <bt> yes not like the other cruises, the Alak <e e e> Alaska cruise was vy nice as we cud see the land as along the cruise, that was nice to me <bt> I worked many different field of work <bt> studid architect es worked in construction k company es later cot computer software company es electronic com es advertisement com es private school es finally took the national exam fer teacher es became teacher <bt> for abt 10 yrs being teacher <bt> I thought it was not gud fer me and retired hi <bt> now vy happy being away from those kids hi <ar> AI8Z de HL5KY k
HL5KY de AI8Z wow you lived vy interesting life Joe and I am sure you brought a lot of that experience to ur students <bt> <bt> I spent most of my career in aerospace after left sea going time <bt> went back to school and studied engineering <bt> but miss the traveling I did when going to sea <bt> met many interesting people es experienced different cultures <bt> <bt> like you glad to be retired and we do have opportunities to travel more now <bt> wud be fun to take cruise to far east sometime <bt> hw? sigs were peaking s9 last time. HL5KY de AI8Z k
ok Mike being retired gives us many different opportunities <bt> sorry to say but I gotta go for phone call from my friend <bt> wish you happy holidays 73 AI8Z de HL5KY tu
HL5KY de AI8Z vy gud Joe. this has been best dx QSO in my my many years. a real pleasure to meet u and hpe QSO agn soon Joe. take care my friend and all best to u and ur family in… new year. 73 73 HL5KY de AI8Z k
73 bcnu tu